Hosting a Safe and Fun New Year's Party: Tips and Tricks

Hosting a Safe and Fun New Year’s Party: Tips and Tricks

As we approach the end of the year, many of us are scrambling to get everything in order to host a memorable and fun New Year’s Eve party. However, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to prioritize safety in our celebrations. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure your guests have a safe and enjoyable time ringing in the new year.

Keep the Guest List Small

It’s tempting to invite everyone you know to your New Year’s Eve party, but it’s crucial to keep the guest list small this year. This will help maintain social distancing and reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Consider inviting only your immediate family or a small group of close friends.

Host an Outdoor Party

Hosting your party outdoors is a great way to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Set up a fire pit, string lights, and some cozy blankets to create a festive atmosphere. Make sure to have enough chairs and tables to encourage guests to spread out and maintain a safe distance.

Encourage Mask Wearing

Even if you’re hosting your party outdoors, it’s important to encourage mask wearing. Provide masks for your guests and make it clear that they’re expected to wear them when they’re not eating or drinking. You could even make it fun by providing masks with a New Year’s Eve theme.

Offer Individual Drinks

Instead of communal punch bowls or shared bottles of wine, offer individual drinks to your guests. This will help reduce the risk of spreading germs. Set up a mini bar or have a bartender who can make drinks to order.

Provide Hand Sanitizer

Make sure to have hand sanitizer readily available for your guests. Set up stations throughout your party area, including near the food and drink area. Encourage guests to use it frequently to keep their hands clean.

Offer Virtual Celebrations

If you’re unable to host an in-person party this year, consider hosting a virtual celebration. Set up a video chat with your friends and family and toast to the new year together. You can even play games, exchange New Year’s resolutions, and watch the ball drop together virtually.

Plan Activities

To keep your guests entertained and engaged, plan some fun activities. Set up a photo booth with props, organize a game of charades or bingo, or have a dance contest. These activities will help reduce the risk of spreading germs by keeping guests occupied and spaced apart.

Prepare for the Cold

If you’re hosting your party outdoors, make sure your guests are prepared for the cold. Provide blankets, outdoor heaters, and encourage people to dress warmly. You could even set up a hot chocolate bar or offer warm beverages to keep everyone warm and cozy.

In conclusion, hosting a safe and fun New Year’s Eve party this year requires some extra planning and precautions, but it’s possible to create a memorable celebration while keeping everyone safe. By keeping the guest list small, hosting your party outdoors, encouraging mask wearing and hand sanitizing, and providing individual drinks, you can reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Consider hosting a virtual celebration or planning activities to keep your guests entertained and make sure everyone is prepared for the cold. Happy New Year!

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